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“Biogreen strongly believes in creating sustainable products that leaves no print”

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the impact of single-use plastic products on the environment, and many consumers are seeking alternatives that are more sustainable and eco-friendlier.

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My Journey with sustainability

To truly create a sustainable method of sourcing and producing BioGreen Natural Dinnerware, I have travelled around the country finding plantations and farmers that cultivate these trees knowing these leaves are being otherwise burned causing pollution or abandoned that end up storing dirty rain water that mosquitos breed causing malaria / dengue.

I was determined to create a side income for all the small holders by creating a system where the leaves are stored at their local religious / community halls; mosques, temples etc.

Each part of this business chain is profited sustainably and traded fairly.

About Us  - Creating deliverable demand

Cleantech products & financing togethers to reach last-mile of rural customers.

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Our Feature Services

Reliable & smart solar variety of modules & solutions

Provides Solar Plates

We take pride fighting for individuals insurance companiesess nihil flexita Truffaut synth art party deep v chillwave.

Solar Water Heater

We take pride fighting for individuals insurance companiesess nihil flexita Truffaut synth art party deep v chillwave.

Windmill Energy

We take pride fighting for individuals insurance companiesess nihil flexita Truffaut synth art party deep v chillwave.

Green Power & Energy Independence

We are here for you give you the best solar solutions.

Introducing the only home solar storage solution designed quality energy backup power for essential appliances.

Reason for people choose us

Choose data science analysis service by category.

Introducing the only home solar storage solution designed quality energy backup power for essential appliances.


Free Solar Consultation

Data management techn global marketplaces and award-winning customer.


Reduced Your Energy Bills

Data management techn global marketplaces and award-winning customer.

Our Reasonable Pricing Plans

We keep it simple no catch just outrageously prices.


Free Service
Output Tolerance-PMAX
Maximum Power Voltage


Free Service
Output Tolerance-PMAX
Maximum Power Voltage


Free Service
Output Tolerance-PMAX
Maximum Power Voltage

We would love to hear from you. Whats your story?

Let’s Build something toghter! if you have any other question, you can leave here.

Studio Agensy Kristiatik 15th Street, Flootbank Kiev, Ukraine 78692